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Статьи на тему: English

10 unusual Soviet buildings in St. Petersburg
Houses-glasses, a "tear of socialism", a three-story one-room apartments and a sausage-house. The experimental projects by Soviet architects can surprise, can outrage, but they won't leave anyone indifferent. We will tell you about the most unusual Soviet buildings in St. Petersburg.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 4:32
Число просмотров данной страницы8895
Stucco molding and labyrinths of delicate stairs: 7 unusual main entrances to an apartment building in St. Petersburg
Petersburg hides hundreds of beautiful courtyards and magnificent interiors of the main entrances to a building, many of which have survived since pre-revolutionary times. We have gathered the most unusual main entrances and share them with you in our article.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 3:26
Число просмотров данной страницы3179
Jazz, rock and roll and dancing: bars and cafes with live music in St. Petersburg
It is nice to listen to live music with a glass of wine at the end of the day, in a good company or alone. We will tell in you, where in St. Petersburg the intimate concerts are held, and foot tapping jazz and rock and roll evenings arranged.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 2:39
Число просмотров данной страницы3664
How to get to Pavlovsk from St. Petersburg
Catherine II was an avid hunter, and she liked the pine forest of Pavlovskoye Selo very much. At the end of the XVIII century, the empress gave these lands to her son Paul, who renamed the country retreat and gave it the status of a city.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 1:12
Число просмотров данной страницы3495
How to get to Vyborg from St. Petersburg
Vyborg is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in Russia. It is interesting that in the XIII century it was founded by the Swedes, who captured part of Western Karelia. Today, while walking along the city streets, you can see the Vyborg Castle and houses that have preserved medieval charm. About 300 attractions help you immerse yourself in an amazing atmosphere. Thousands of tourists come here to get into the time machine.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 1:05
Число просмотров данной страницы4928
How to get to Sestroretsk from St. Petersburg
Sestroretsk is justly considered a resort. There are health resorts where you can improve your health with healing mud and mineral waters. Hundreds of people come to the large Laskovy beach in the summer to play volleyball and bask in the sun.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 0:57
Число просмотров данной страницы3947
How to get to Kronstadt from St. Petersburg
Kronstadt was the main defender from the sea enemy attacks. Peter I built his first fleet here. Now Kronstadt is a trading port; sailors repair ships, teach seamanship. One of the main attractions is the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. People come here to ask for blessings before going on a cruise.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 0:48
Число просмотров данной страницы4212
How to get to Oranienbaum from St. Petersburg
Oranienbaum is translated from German as "orange tree". There is a story that Peter I brought this evergreen citrus plant as a gift to his favorite. The ironic tsar seemed to hint: "I know what kind of fruit you are!" Aleksander Menshikov liked the irony, and even called his estate Oranienbaum. Whether to believe it or not is up to you.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 0:40
Число просмотров данной страницы3501
How to get to Strelna from St. Petersburg
Strelna is one of the oldest suburbs of St. Petersburg. For a long time, a small village on the shores of the Gulf of Finland led a quiet slow-paced life, but fifteen years ago the Konstantinovsky Palace turned from romantic ruins into a state residence - everyone can visit it if high-level negotiations are not held here.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 0:37
Число просмотров данной страницы4642
How to get to Priozersk from St. Petersburg
Priozersk is a small town located in the Leningrad Oblast, near Karelia. Here you can relax on the banks of the Vuoksi River, take a look at the Korela (the ancient fortress), the Lutheran Church. Priozersk also has a pier, from which a meteor and motor ship depart to the holy island of Valaam.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 0:24
Число просмотров данной страницы2919
How to get to Peterhof from St. Petersburg
The Peterhof Palace and Park Complex is one of the favorite creations of Peter I. The splendor of centenary trees, the power of water, the brightness of flower beds. More than 150 fountains, which operate from mid-May to September, are ready to amuse the guests of the park. Here you can look at the Gulf of Finland the same way as the great tsar-reformer did.Читать дальше
4 марта 2020 г. 0:16
Число просмотров данной страницы3059
Cultural and educational tourism in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg is a unique city for tourism where the beauty of the architecture is intertwined with history and tradition. Here you can not only enjoy the beautiful views of the Northern Venice, but also get acquainted with the world-famous museums and legendary theaters. Many of them are included in the UNESCO heritage list and possess great value. We will tell you about the best places and attractions for tourists in St. Petersburg, as well as annual major festivals held in the city on the Neva and gathering thousands of guests.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 16:17
Число просмотров данной страницы7418
The best time to visit St. Petersburg
Petersburg is like a dandy who likes to change his clothes several times a day. Quite often, he wakes up in a bad mood and puts on the gloomiest costume. By the middle of the day the mood can improved rastically, and very bright colors are added to dark ones. What never changes about Petersburg is a sense of unerring taste.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 16:04
Число просмотров данной страницы4465
Taxi in St. Petersburg: sites, apps and prices
Taxi is an urban transport that is no longer a luxury. Unfortunately, tourists who come to St. Petersburg quite often become victims of indecent drivers. A twenty-minute trip can cost a pretty penny to the guests of our city. Let's talk about how to ride a taxi without harming your finances.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 15:55
Число просмотров данной страницы3606
Parking in St. Petersburg: paid and free, zones, how to pay
Car owners can park in St. Petersburg both for a fee and for free. We will tell you about the parking lots features in our city.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 15:49
Число просмотров данной страницы4030
Car rental in St. Petersburg: information on how to book a car in St. Petersburg
If you come to St. Petersburg on business and need to visit numerous destinations around the city, then it is much more profitable to rent a car than to use a taxi. In the suburbs it is also more convenient to drive a car than to use electric trains. Also, a rented car can be a good replacement if your personal "iron horse" is in the service center.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 14:49
Число просмотров данной страницы3055
Car camping in St. Petersburg: vacation in amotorhome
A real car camping is a family vacation in a motorhome. This kind of entertainment is very popular in America and Europe. In Russia, car camping is only taking its first steps, so it is considered an expensive activity. However, there are more and more people who want to travel in a motorhome.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 14:36
Число просмотров данной страницы3049
The romantic places in St. Petersburg
The poet A. Blok wrote: "White night month red / Surfaced in blue. / Wandering ghostly beautiful / Reflected in the Neva." St. Petersburg is rightfully considered as one of the most romantic cities in the world. Lovers from all over the world come here to spend a magical time with each other.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 14:02
Число просмотров данной страницы3976
Medical tourism in St. Petersburg
Tourism in St. Petersburg is an opportunity not only to see the sights, but also to improve your health. There are several dozens of the best multispecialty medical centers in the city where you can get timely help. What worries you?Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 13:33
Число просмотров данной страницы3453
Buses in St. Petersburg: routes, timetables, bus stops
In 1907 the first bus started to run in St. Petersburg, and several decades later, during the perilous time of World War II, the bus column ran through the lifeline across the Ladoga.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 12:58
Число просмотров данной страницы3231
Metro in St. Petersburg: metro map, stations, opening hours
It is no secret that the most popular transport in megapolises is the metro. St. Petersburg is no exception to the rule. The subway, which started to function in 1955, can be annoying with a large stream of people, but it saves time (compared to ground transport).Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 12:51
Число просмотров данной страницы249433
Podorozhnik Card in St. Petersburg: fares and cost. Useful information
In the St. Petersburg metro, you can buy a token for 60 rubles and use the subway. In buses, trolleybuses, trams you can purchase a one-time ticket for 55 rubles. However, we are confident that it is much more profitable to use travel cards than to buy a token or a ticket every time.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 12:26
Число просмотров данной страницы2930
River transport in St. Petersburg: river stations, river tram in St. Petersburg
Water-buses and pleasure boats form a small fleet of the Northern capital. The navigation season opens in April, and until the end of November there are plenty of ships with tourists from all over the world. However, on a nice summer day Petersburgers also admire the city's architecture from the water.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 12:06
Число просмотров данной страницы3844
Trams in St. Petersburg: routes, timetables, trams on a map of St. Petersburg
Do you know what a konka is? It is the tram that the real horses dragged along. By the way, a monument to the famous horse can now be seen at the Vasileostrovskaya station.Читать дальше
3 марта 2020 г. 11:53
Число просмотров данной страницы4332
Trolleybuses in St. Petersburg: routes, timetables, trolleybuses on the map of St. Petersburg
In 1936, the first trolleybus appeared in Leningrad, which became a good addition to public transport. Trackless trams have earned the love and recognition of Petersburgers. Soft seats, curtains on the windows, heating system - all this was present in trolleybuses.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 21:10
Число просмотров данной страницы223529
St. Petersburg Card
Since 2020, the card has been suspended.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 20:48
Число просмотров данной страницы4003
Boat trips and river cruises in St. Petersburg
Peter I believed that the beauty and grandeur of the city can only be appreciated from the water. The traditions of traveling along rivers and canals are preserved to this day. During the navigation period (from April to the end of September), dozens of options for water excursions are offered to Petersburg guests. Let's talk about the main routes.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 20:32
Число просмотров данной страницы3318
St. Petersburg shopping tour
What is the ideal vacation in St. Petersburg? It includes a rich cultural program, leisurely walks along the embankments and in the parks and the buying of a couple of nice things in clothing stores. We will tell you about the best places for shopping.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 19:22
Число просмотров данной страницы3701
How to get to St. Petersburg by water
St. Petersburg is often called Venice of the North. Boats and large cruise ships run along its canals and rivers. In the west of Vasilyevsky Island there is the Marine Station mooring complex. It resembles a ship with a mast from a distance. This complex was built in the 80s of the XXth century. It accommodates cruise and ferry cargo and passenger ships.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 19:10
Число просмотров данной страницы3341
How to get to St. Petersburg by bus
St. Petersburg bus station is located on the Obvodny Canal, in the city center. It started to function in 1963. The very first buses went to the Estonian capital - Tallinn. In the 1960s, about 20 buses passed in an hour. Passengers could use the services of a telegraph or mail.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 18:53
Число просмотров данной страницы3464
How to get to St. Petersburg by train
Do you like to travel by train? There are five railway stations in St. Petersburg and each of them is ready to receive guests. Moskovsky, Vitebsky, Ladozhsky, Baltiysky, Finlyandsky - all stations are located in the close proximity to the metro. Once you get out of the train, you can easily reach any hotel or apartment by the public transport (bus, minibus, etc.).Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 18:14
Число просмотров данной страницы3114
How to get to St. Petersburg by plane
The cost of travel by rail is increasing significantly. Air travel will cost you a little more, but it will save you some precious hours. It is important to buy a ticket in advance and without agency fees, then such a trip will cost much cheaper. It is best to purchase tickets on trusted online resources.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 18:05
Число просмотров данной страницы2885
Health tourism in St. Petersburg
Being healthy is a modern trend. People want to look great and feel energetic every day. We will tell about the resorts of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, where you can take on a course of wellness procedures.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 16:27
Число просмотров данной страницы3698
St. Petersburg religious sites
St. Petersburg had to go through the times of the Russian Empire with God givenking-father, as well as the period of irreligion in the years of the Revolution. Despite numerous historical twists and turns, more than 300 incredibly different religious buildings have survived in the Northern capital.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 15:37
Число просмотров данной страницы5199
St. Petersburg filming locations tour
St. Petersburg is a cinema paradise. Popular, even cult movies were shot here and continue to be filmed. The Northern Capital of Russia takes the roles of London, and Paris, and Berlin, and sometimes Moscow. We will tell you about the most interesting film locations in the city.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 14:20
Число просмотров данной страницы3879
St. Petersburg as a family vacation destination
St. Petersburg is a festive city. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to have fun with your family. We have preparedthe entertainment program specially for you.Читать дальше
2 марта 2020 г. 13:32
Число просмотров данной страницы5475
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