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4 марта 2020 г. 1:59


From Leningrad - to Petersburg: top Soviet cafes

Pyshechnaya on Konyushennaya (or Zhelyabova) is not the only cafe in the city that has been preserved since Soviet times. We will tell you what other authentic Leningrad cafes operate in present-day Petersburg.

(Pirozhkovaya on Moskovsky Moskovsky prospekt, 192)

Founded in 1956, this pirozhkovaya, not far from Park Pobedy, is still ready to treat visitors with hot rosy pies. The Soviet-style cafe is cozy and colorful: enthusiastic staff, many of whom have been working since Leningrad times, walk back and forth in aprons, and a real Leningrad cat wanders lazily around the hall. The cash desk is separate from the shelves with pies. The interior is simple - the walls are tiled.


(The National Library of Russiaon Moskovsky Moskovsky pr., 165, building 2)

Near the famous pirozhkovaya is another place where you can feel the Soviet spirit - the dining room of the National Library of Russia. Only its readers can enter, the cafe itself is located in the basement. The daily changing menu offers traditional for dining first and second courses, salads, pies, tea, coffee. The interior is notable for the presence of a huge Soviet TV, on which retro films or programs are constantly shown. Among the visitors you can meet both students and professors with PhD.


(Olyushka Gagarinskaya st.,13)

Perhaps the only official pancake house that has survived to this day. Soviet minimalism in the interior: flowers on the wallpaper, checkered tablecloths, wooden benches. The most famous pancake in Olyushka is with the herring stuffing. The prices are affordable. You have to make an effort to get here, because the place opens only on weekdays from 11:00 to 18:00.


(Pyshechnaya on Bolshaya Konyushennaya Bolshaya Konyushennaya st., 25)

The legendary pyshechnaya on Zhelyabova, and now on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, was founded back in the 1950s and is still famous for its Leningrad buns, which are generously sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with Soviet coffee or tea. Instead of napkins, cut pieces of paper are used here. It is always crowded, often entrance queues.


(Pyshechnaya on Sadovaya Sadovaya st., 32)

Pyshechnaya on Sadovaya is another place with Leningrad buns, which is known slightly less than the pyshechnaya on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, but also has its own history dating back to Soviet times. The main difference is that buns are twice as large as usual. Everything else is standard: an interior from the 80s, coffee with milk, standing places and hot buns with powdered sugar.


(Snezhinka Malyy Prospect P.S., 57)

The iconic Snezhinka cafe, with a 60-year history, used to be an ice cream parlor and was considered an alternative to the famous Lyagushatnik (ice cream parlor on Nevsky Prospekt) in the center. Due to its proximity to Lenfilm, it was often possible to see actors and directors here. Now Snezhinka has got an extensive menu of several types of soups, hot dishes, desserts and even alcohol. But the filming still takes place in this cafe and St. Petersburg creative intellectuals meet here.



(Mayak Mayakovskogo st., 20)

Soviet cafe, where everything resembles the 70s-80s of the last century. Portraits and busts of leaders, pennants, football scarves. The menu is concise and consists of dishes of Russian cuisine. The bar menu has vodka and draft beer.


A couple of years ago it was possible to go to the real Soviet dumpling bar on Zhukovskogo or to the cheburek house on Bolshoy Prospekt of Petrograd Side, but today these places are closed.

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Архив - категории:

Российская национальная библиотека на Московском, Кафе Пышечная на Большой Конюшенной , Кафе Снежинка, Пирожковая Хозяюшка, Блинная Олюшка, Пышечная на Садовой
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